
  • 日期:2015-09-15
  • 11195


汪波 职称 博士后 性别
研究方向 最优化、数据挖掘
教育经历 2004年—2008年,北京理工大学理学院,数学与应用数学专业,理学学士。
发表文章 [1] Wang B., Shi Y., Huang W., Liu G. F. Misclassification Minimization Based on Multiple Criteria Linear Programming. The IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2014. (EI)
[2] Liu P., Sun J. M., Han L. Y. and Wang B. Research on the construction of macro assets price index based on support vector machine. International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2014. 
[3] Yang Z. F., Shi Y., Wang B., Yan H. Website Quality and Profitability Evaluation in E-Commerce Firms Using Two-stage DEA Model. 1st International Conference on Data Science, ICDS 2014. 
[4] Wang B., Shi Y., Error Correction Method in Classification by Using Multiple-Criteria and Multiple-Constraint Levels Linear Programming. International Journal of Computers Communications and Control, 2012, 7, pp 976-989. (SCI, 0.441)
[5] Wang B., Wang Y., A Multiple-Criteria and Multiple-Constraint Levels Linear Programming Based Error Correction Classification Model. Procedia Computer Science, 2013, 17, pp 1073-1082. (EI)
[6] 汪波,石勇. 一个基于妥协解的多目标线性规划分类模型. 第六届中国管理学年会——商务智能分会场论文集,2011. 
[7] Ye Wang, Bo Wang, Xinyang Zhang. A new application of the support vector regression on the construction of financial conditions index to CPI prediction. Procedia Computer Science, 9, pages 1263-1272, 2012. 
[8] Fang Wang, Warawut Suphamitmongkol, Bo Wang. Advertisement Click-Through Rate Prediction Using Multiple Criteria Linear Programming Regression Model. Procedia Computer Science, 17, 803-811, 2013. (EI)